"And he comprehended that war was the peace of the future. . ."

viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

New challenges in our career

Veterinary Science is a hard career to deal with in all matters. I think we have plenty of challenges and things to change, in order to give our career the value and respect that deserves. On the Technology side, I don't have a specific suggestion for it. In Chile, it's very common to find private clinics everywhere, and it really depends on the veterinarian if he or she wants to have more technology to receive their patients. One thing I should mention is to have a clinic with a better quality and variety of their medical tools. I suppose I'm talking about a big clinic that's organized with enough veterinarians and technology. It's hard to solve this problem because our main concerns as a country have a priority for human problems, so to help animals and to create a clinic with better technology are difficult to afford. And the only thing we can do is to assign money to this purpose (considering how expensive technology is).
About social matters, I think it's very connected to education, because it's becoming harder and harder to be a veterinarian (at least in Chile). We all know that our career is not socially recognized as much as we want it to be. I think this is mainly because there's not enough respect for the career. In comparison to other countries where it lasts 7 or 8 years, here the career is based on five years only. Believe it or not, I think that it does give the career a little bit of respect. Another reason is, like I've mentioned before, that our country has other priorities right now, so everything related to the veterinary area is kind of left out (We need to decrease poverty, education issues, among others).
Chile has way too many colleges in Chile that offer Veterinary Science, and I don't think we need that amount in this country (about 30 or so). In my opinion, the veterinary area is "over studied" here. In the end, this gives us less chance for finding jobs once we're done. A clear solution should have a decrease in the amount of colleges that offer the career, with authorities being more strict, and giving it the importance it needs.

2 comentarios:

  1. I think the same! I wrote almost the same that you did haha!
    I like the draw!

  2. Patty, I agree that the social matters is connected to the education =)
