"And he comprehended that war was the peace of the future. . ."

domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

Improving our Faculty

The current situation in our faculty regarding the facilities doesn't have extraordinary things, I mean, we have bathrooms, a library, places to buy daily groceries, and a cafeteria. I must admit that a great thing to have is air conditioning and heaters inside the classrooms. This is something new, though, because students from 2 or 3 years ago didn't have it.
What I think needs improvement is first of all, the cafeteria. It's not really a cafeteria because it doesn't have all the required things that one of those has, and the prices aren't cheap at all. I think we need a new place to eat, or improve the current one. The food isn't always the best either, and you don't have many choices (a different menu that you can choose). And second, I think that we need at least one room for studying with groups, so we can speak out loud. Instead, we use the library for this, and sometimes it bothers others who are studying in silence.
To deal with the first thing, I usually bring my own food from home, and in some cases I just buy a sandwich in the kiosk (stand). Or, the last option is to buy a soup that you can make with water (when desperate, haha). But I try to do the first one as much as I possibly can. To deal with the second thing I think needs to be improved, is to either have a study group on the grass (which is not as silent as you want because you can find people who are trying to relax there, or they're talking about other things, so it gets harder to study), or study silently in the library by yourself, and then sharing with your partners afterwards.
The real benefits that you could get from having a better cafeteria is that you don't necessarily have to bring lunch everyday. I could buy food, if necessary, especially when there's a lot to do, and there's not much time left. And it'd also be cheaper, so it wouldn't cost as much money, either. And the impacts of having a new place to study is that students could study silently in the library, while others can share their thoughts and ideas in a special room for speaking loud. I really think this is important because we've been scolded several times for being noisy in the library. Besides, this can reduce the number of people who want to use the computers, and the ones who want to study only (it'd be less crowded, too).
To start this out, the students must agree with the things we need to improve first, and then move forward to talking to authorities, and organizing the money and possibilites to do it. I think the first one (Cafeteria) is very needed and has been asked by the students for quite a while now.
We know that, in order to make all the improvements we need, we have to organize ourselves as students, we have the right to give our opinion and say what we need, because, in the end, all these things are made and paid for us and our parents (in most cases), respectively.

1 comentario:

  1. patty I agree with you in the to improvements that yo mention. I think that they are the most importants right now :)
