"And he comprehended that war was the peace of the future. . ."

sábado, 1 de mayo de 2010

Helping in Africa

The country I'd like to visit some day is South Africa. You may think I want to go there this year because of the World Cup, but more than that, I'd like trying to visit countries in Africa in general. I know that South Africa has a better economic situation in comparison to other countries in the continent. In countries like Zimbabwe the situation changes, though. This is a really poor nation that has lost a great part of its economy in a war (1998-2002), and its public administration isn't the best, either.

In a different subject, I've always wanted to meet, and this sounds like I'm a 5-year-old, haha, a cute little animal called meerkat. I know that several studies have been done on this mammals, but I'd like to investigate different aspects, or even new ones about them. Getting to know other animals, and researching about them would be interesting as well. I think it'll be awesome to do some animal rescue there, considering that most of the wildlife live freely in their habitats. This is why attempting this new adventure would mean that I'll have to live there for about 2 years or so. Besides meeting my "new friends," I'd also like to visit poor countries in the continent, so this time I'd rather go to the countries in Africa that need other's people help. I'd like to go there for social activities, help people who can barely survive, give them food, shelter, clothes, etc. Maybe I can do both at the same time I stay there, or perhaps I'll have to go back another year, I don't know. What I do know is that one of my dreams is going to Africa, and if possible do as much as I can there. I'd also go to other countries, like Germany or France to learn another language, but I think that going to Africa keeps the goals I'd like to achieve some day.

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi Patty I like your idea of going to Africa, I would like to go also to South Africa were is a better economy just so I can see the contrast of the country.

  2. hi patty, nice blog :) hey, africa is great, but all about the war and the poorness makes me sad :(


  3. Hi, it must be very nice to travel around africa. It has to be very interesting but at the same time very heartbreaking.

  4. Hey patty, I think we should go together to africa, with gaby =) and meet the meerkats and the lions!!!!

  5. The country I'd like to visit some day is South Africa. You may think I want to go there this year because of the World Cup, but more than that, I'd like trying to visit countries in Africa in general. I know that South Africa has a better economic situation in comparison to other countries in the continent. In countries like Zimbabwe the situation changes, though. This is a really poor nation that has lost a great part of its economy in a war (1998-2002), and its public administration isn't the best, either.

    In a different subject, I've always wanted to meet, and this sounds like I'm a 5-year-old, haha, a cute little animal called meerkat. I know that several studies have been done on this mammals, but I'd like to investigate different aspects, or even new ones about them. Getting to know other animals, and researching about them would be interesting as well. I think it'll be awesome to do some animal rescue there, considering that most of the wildlife live freely in their habitats. This is why attempting this new adventure would mean that I'll have to live there for about 2 years or so. Besides meeting my "new friends," I'd also like to visit poor countries in the continent, so this time I'd rather go to the countries in Africa that need other's people help. I'd like to go there for social activities, help people who can barely survive, give them food, shelter, clothes, etc. Maybe I can do both at the same time I stay there, or perhaps I'll have to go back another year, I don't know. What I do know is that one of my dreams is going to Africa, and if possible do as much as I can there. I'd also go to other countries, like Germany or France to learn another language, but I think that going to Africa keeps the goals I'd like to achieve some day

    I would love to go to Africa as well...
