"And he comprehended that war was the peace of the future. . ."

domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010

Attractions in Santiago

If I had to recommend places to visit in Santiago, to whoever wants to come, I'd say that there are some amazing and typical ones you can't miss.
First, I'd go to "Plaza de Armas," which is the main plaza in the capital. It was founded by Pedro De Valdivia, and it represents the birth of the city. Around it, we can found the municipality, historical museum, the cathedral, and what was before the palace of the Royal Court. Some of the streets that would lead you there are: Monjitas, Merced, and Paseo Ahumada.
Second, "Plaza de la Constitución," is another space that has historical roots. It's located besides the Presidential House "La moneda", and in its lands we can find monuments dedicated to important presidents such as Salvador Allende. The metro station near by that you have here is "La moneda."
Third, The Cathedral ("La Catedral"), considered one of the best places to visit in Santiago, it has inside a museum that can get you closer to the Chilean history. Its construction allows us to appreciate the original structure of this cathedral. Besides that, you can also find a library there that tells you more about the building. The transportation that takes you here is another metro station that carries the name of the place where's located: "Plaza de Armas."
Fourth, I'd go to Villa Grimaldi. This is another historical building that was used for interrogation and torture of political prisoners by the secret police during the government of Augusto Pinochet. Its building doesn't exist anymore (their buldings were destroyed during the last days of dictatorship), but the location is currently a National Monument (called a "Park for peace") for human rights, and dedicated to the victims of this cruelty. You can get here through "Plaza Egaña" metro station.
Finally, and in the same line of historical places, I'd recommend a museum called "Museo de Bellas Artes," or Chilean National Museum of Fine Arts, which is not only important in Chile, but in South America in general. In the historical side, it was founded in 1880 (it started with President Aníbal Pinto), and it commemorates the first centennial of the independece of Chile. It's located in "Parque Forestal" of Santiago. The last time I went there (about three weeks ago), they were exposing pictures that showed the history of the country and its progress. I have to say that it was interesting to see the different situations that make us unique, and an irreplaceable country.
If I had to give one more advice to get to know our country better, I'd say that it's indispensable to just go out and walk downtown or to the main streets, because you never know the new things you can find, and knowing our friendly personality, we're always willing to help somebody who doesn't know our slang and peculiarities very well. Although, I must say foreigners have to be careful with their personal and technological objects, in case somebody is not as friendly as I thought =D.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi patty I agree with you that we have to visit more places here in Santiago :)
